The present general conditions govern the use of this site
This site is owned and managed by DHR MEDIA GROUP.
By using this site, you indicate that you have read and understood the terms of use and that you agree to comply with them at all times.

Type of site: e-commerce

Intellectual Property

All content published and made available on this site is the property of DHR MEDIA GROUP and its creators. This includes, but is not limited to, images, texts, logos, documents, downloadable files, and everything that contributes to the composition of this site.

Age Restrictions

The minimum age to use this site is 18 years. Users agree that by using our site, they are over 18 years old. We assume no legal responsibility for false age declarations.

Acceptable Use

As a user, you agree to use our site legally and not to use this site for illegal purposes, namely:

  • Harass or mistreat other users of the site
  • Violate the rights of other users of the site
  • Violate the intellectual property rights of the site owners or any third party to the site
  • Hack another user's account
  • Act in any way that could be considered fraudulent
  • Participate in any illegal activity on the site
  • Post any material that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive

If we believe that you are using this site illegally or in a manner that violates the acceptable use conditions above, we reserve the right to limit, suspend, or terminate your access to this site. We also reserve the right to take any legal action necessary to prevent you from accessing our site.

User Contributions

Users can post the following information on our site:

  • Service for sale

By posting publicly on our site, you agree not to act illegally or violate the acceptable use conditions listed in this document.


When you create an account on our site, you agree to the following:

  1. That you are solely responsible for your account and the security and confidentiality of your account, including passwords or sensitive information attached to this account, and
  2. That all personal information you provide to us through your account is up to date, accurate, and truthful, and you will update your personal information if it changes.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account if you use our site illegally or if you violate the acceptable use conditions.

Sales of Goods and Services

This document governs the sale of services available on our site.

The services we offer include:

  • Panel in the program bank in PAD (Ready To Broadcast) format
  • Ticketing
  • Provision of an artist's production via one-time payment
  • Unique program banks

The services related to this document are the services that are displayed on our site at the time you access it. All information, descriptions, or images that we provide about our services are described and presented with the greatest possible accuracy. However, we are not legally bound by this information, descriptions, or images as we cannot guarantee the accuracy of every product or service we provide. You agree to purchase these services at your own risk.

Sold by Third Parties

Our site may offer services from third-party companies. We cannot guarantee the quality or accuracy of the services made available by third parties on our site.


We accept the following payment methods on this site:

  • Credit card
  • PayPal

When you provide us with your payment information, you confirm that you have authorized the use and access to the payment instrument you have chosen to use. By providing us with your payment details, you confirm that you authorize us to charge the amount due to this payment instrument.

If we believe that your payment has violated any law or one of our terms of use, we reserve the right to cancel your transaction.


Services will be billed in full upon ordering the service.


All our recurring subscriptions will be automatically billed and renewed until we receive notice that you wish to cancel the subscription.

If you wish to cancel your subscriptions, please follow these steps:

Subscriptions offered on the site are not subject to commitment and can be terminated at any time.
Termination is effective on the day of service renewal.


Refunds for Goods

All goods sold on our site are non-refundable.

Limitation of Liability

DHR MEDIA GROUP or any of its employees will be held responsible for any problem arising from this site. However, DHR MEDIA GROUP and its employees will not be held responsible for any problem arising from any irregular use of this site.


As a user, you indemnify DHR MEDIA GROUP from any liability, any cost, any cause of action, any damage, or any expense arising from your use of this site or your violation of any of the provisions set out in this document.

Applicable Laws

This document is subject to the applicable laws in France and aims to comply with its necessary rules and regulations. This includes the EU-wide regulation set out in the GDPR.


If, at any time, any of the provisions set out in this document is found to be incompatible or invalid under the applicable laws, these provisions will be considered null and will be removed from this document. All other provisions will not be affected by the laws, and the rest of the document will still be considered valid.


These general conditions may be amended from time to time to maintain compliance with the law and to reflect any changes in the way we manage our site and the way we expect users to behave on our site. We recommend that our users check these general conditions from time to time to ensure that they are informed of any updates. If necessary, we will notify users by email of changes to these conditions or we will post a notice on our site.


Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Our contact details are as follows:
12 rue de la Strée, 08320 Vireux-Molhain

Effective Date:

June 14, 2024


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